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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Portable Applications

Yeah, the capabilities of a USB flash drive or the external hard drive in backing up your files are now extendable to even running your software from it. Unbelievable? It’s for you to find out.

I got interested in checking the capabilities of a hard drive when one of my customers came to me and ask if such thing is possible. Back then I have no idea if software will run from a host computer without installing the software from the hard drive. I told the customer that the installer is ok to be stored in the external hard drive but you must run it on the host computer, then uninstall when you’ll not use it anymore. That time I didn’t know that you can use the flash drive for both storing the installer and running the software not from the host computer but on the flash drive itself, and leaving no evidence that you used the software once you remove the flash drive from the computer. That would be amazing! Carrying software applications to one computer to another, leaving no traces behind.

Checking further, there is bundled application that you can download from the internet then run on your flash drive. Most commonly are Mozilla (an internet browser), open Office (just like MS Office), calendar, email, antivirus, etc. These are called portable applications. I just wish autocad can do that. end: count then share your blessings to others...

1 comment:

  1. You're welcome! I'd love to increase traffic on my sites, and thanks for the information Indiroma. Thanks for droppin by...


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